Black Industrialists Scheme powering black industrialists…

The purpose of Black Industrialists Scheme policy is to leverage the State’s capacity to unlock the industrial potential that exists within black-owned and managed businesses that operate within the South African economy through deliberate, targeted and well-defined financial and non-financial interventions as described in the IPAP and other government policies.

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The objectives of the Black Industrialists Scheme are to:

  • Accelerate the quantitative and qualitative increase and participation of black industrialists in the national  economy,  selected  manufacturing  sectors  and  value  chains;  as  reflected  by  their contribution to growth, investment, exports and employment; and 
  • Create  multiple  and  diverse  pathways  and  instruments  for  black  industrialists  to  enter  strategic and targeted manufacturing sectors and value chains. 
  • A  black  industrialist  refers  to  a  juristic  person,  which  includes  co-operatives  incorporated  in  terms  of the  Companies  Act,  2008  (as  amended)  that  are  owned  by  black  South  Africans  as  defined  by  the Broad-Based  Black  Economic  Empowerment  (B-BBEE)  Act,  that  creates  and  owns  value-adding industrial capacity and provides long-term strategic and operational leadership to a business. A black industrialist can be a natural person.

Black people refer to African, Coloured and Indian persons who are natural persons and:

  • Are citizens of the Republic of South Africa by birth or descent; or
  • Are citizens of the Republic of South Africa by naturalisation before the commencement date of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act of 1993; or
  • Became citizens of the Republic of South Africa after the commencement date of the Constitution of  the  Republic  of  South  Africa  Act  of  1993,  but  who,  had  it  not  been  for  the  Apartheid  policy, would have qualified for naturalisation before then.
  • The  definition  of  “black  people”  now  includes  South  African  Chinese  people  as  per  the  Pretoria High Court ruling on 18 June 2008.
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The key focus areas of the Black Industrialists Scheme programme will be on the following productive sectors:

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  • Blue/ocean economy, including vessel building and repair

  • Oil and gas

  • Clean technology and energy

  • Mineral beneficiation

  • Aerospace, rail and automotive components

  • Industrial Infrastructure

  • Information communication technologies

  • Agro-processing

  • Clothing, textiles/leather and footwear

  • Pulp, paper and furniture

  • Chemicals, pharmaceuticals and plastics

  • Nuclear

  • Manufacturing-related logistics

  • Designated sectors for localisation

  • These sectors will be reviewed from time to time, in line with government priorities. Interpretation of the support areas within each sector will be at the discretion of the dti. 

  • Other  manufacturing  activities  may  be  considered  based  on  economic  impact  in  terms  of  job creation, geographic spread and strengthening supply chains.

Should you be interested in applying for the business grant, Dream Team Capital can assist you. Contact us today for professional assistance in streamlining your application for the Black Industrialists Scheme.