The Foreign Film and Television Production and Post-Production Incentive, a sub-programme of the South African Film and Television Production Incentive Programme, is to attract large-budget foreign-based films and television productions and post-productions that will contribute towards employment creation, and enhance the international profile of the South African film and television industry while increasing the country’s creative and technical skills base.

The Foreign Film and Television Production and Post-Production Incentive is available to foreign-owned qualifying productions and post-productions as follows:
- The Qualifying South African Production Expenditure (QSAPE) should be at least R15 million for shooting on location in South Africa,
- The Qualifying South African Production Expenditure (QSAPE) should be at least R12 million for level one (1) Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) contributor status service companies for shooting on location in South Africa;
- The Qualifying South African Post-Production Expenditure (QSAPPE) should be at least R1.5 million for conducting post-production activities in South Africa.
The Incentive provides an incentive of twenty-five percent (25%) of the Qualifying South African Production Expenditure (QSAPE).
An additional incentive of five percent (5%) of QSAPE is provided for productions conducting post-production in South Africa and utilising the services of a Black owned service company.
Eligibility criteria:
Foreign-owned and South African qualifying post-production work with the QSAPE and must be:
A minimum of R15 million for all qualifying production formats.
A minimum of R12 million for level one (1) B-BBEE contributor status service companies.
At least 21 calendar days and 50% of principal photography must be filmed in South Africa; for productions with a minimum QSAPE of R100 million, this requirement may be waived.

Should you be interested in applying for the business grant, Dream Team Capital can assist you. Contact us today for professional assistance in streamlining your application for the Foreign Film and Television Production and Post-Production Incentive.