What is the Export Marketing and Investment Assistance (EMIA)?
The Export Marketing and Investment Assistance (EMIA) scheme develops export markets for South African products and services and to recruit new foreign direct investment into the country. Assistance is offered for participation at exhibitions in this programme -up to R45 000 for exhibition fees is covered, as well as a travel and subsistence allowance. Compensation for costs incurred in the recruitment of new Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). When registering a patent in a foreign market, 50% of the additional costs, capped at R100 000 per annum is offered.
- Provide marketing assistance to develop new export markets and grow existing export markets;
- Assist with the identification of new export markets through market research;
- Assist companies to increase their competitive by supporting patent registrations, quality marks and product marks;
- Assist with facilitation to grow FDI through missions and FDI research; and
- Increase the contribution of black-owned businesses and SMMEs to South Africa’s economy.
Individual Exhibition
- Transport of samples;
- Rental of exhibition space;
- Construction of stands;
- Interpretation fees;
- Internet connection;
- Telephone installation;
- Subsistence allowance per day;
- Return economy-class airfare; and
- Exhibition fees up to a maximum of R45 000.
- Primary Market Research & Foreign Direct Investment:
Exporters will be compensated for costs incurred recruiting in new FDI into South Africa through personal contact by visiting potential investors in foreign countries.- Return economy-class airfare;
- Subsistence allowance per day;
- Transport of samples; and
- Marketing material.
- Individual Inward Missions:
Assistance is provided to South African entities organising an inward buying investor, to make contact with them to conclude an exporters order or to attract foreign direct investment.- Registration of a patent in a foreign market: 50% of the additional costs capped at R100 000 pa;
- Return economy class-airfare;
- Subsistence allowance per day;
Eligible Enterprises
- South African manufactures and exporters;
- South African export trading houses representing at least three SMMEs or businesses owned by Historical Disadvantaged Individuals (HDIs);
- South African commission agents representing at least three SMMEs/HDI-owned businesses; and
- South African exports councils, industry associations and JAGs representing at least five South African entities.