What is the ISO Grant Scheme Gwynedd County?
Gwynedd Council has launched a Town Centre Property Improvement Grant fund which is available to businesses in the county – the £270,000 fund offers grants of up to £25,000. The fund will offer financial support to businesses who want to develop detailed plans for renovating or developing their property, as well as offering financial support to upgrade buildings within town centres.
Gwynedd Council is keen to assist small and medium sized businesses located in Gwynedd to achieve ISO accreditations which set world-class specifications for products, services and systems, to ensure quality, safety and efficiency. A grant scheme is available which contributes towards the costs of a consultant to work with businesses in order to achieve the necessary standard for certification. The cost of the actual certification is not included in the scheme.

Gwynedd Council is keen to assist small and medium sized businesses located in Gwynedd to achieve ISO accreditations which set world-class specifications for products, services and systems, to ensure quality, safety and efficiency. A grant scheme is available which contributes towards the costs of a consultant to work with businesses in order to achieve the necessary standard for certification. The cost of the actual certification is not included in the scheme.
The fund, which is funded through the Welsh Government’s Town Transformation Programme, is in addition to the Town Centre Loan package already available to town centre businesses across Gwynedd, and supports the Council’s strategic priority to regenerate town centres and support our high street businesses.
The main objective of the ISO Grant Scheme Gwynedd County?
The objective is to make businesses more efficient and effective in supplying quality goods and services leading to increased competitiveness and placing businesses in a better position to respond to tendering opportunities with Gwynedd Council, other local authorities, government organisations and the private sector.
Eligible Expenditure
Funding is available towards the costs of a consultant to work with businesses in order to achieve ISO accreditations which set world-class specifications for products, services and systems, to ensure quality, safety and efficiency. Examples are:
- ISO9001, which specifies requirements for a quality management system.
- ISO14001, which specifies requirements for an environmental management system.