What is the Mansfield business grant schemes?
A maximum grant of £2500 is available to small and medium sized enterprises who have been located in the district of Mansfield for at least six months, that either:
• Have a ‘Strategic Business Growth Plan’ in place and require additional funding to take it forward.
• Are at the planning stage of considering developments to grow the business.

Business Start-Up Grant
The Business Start-Up Grant (up to £2,500) is available to individuals looking to start a business in the Mansfield district. The grant can be used towards start-up costs including the purchase of machinery and equipment, business stationery and marketing costs such as advertising and web design.
Business Growth Grant
The Business Growth Grant (up to £2,500) is available to established businesses based in the Mansfield district and which produce a viable Growth Plan that demonstrates potential job creation. Businesses can use this grant for support in developing a Growth Plan and for costs involved in its implementation.
Shop Front Improvements
The Shop Front Improvements Grant (up to £2,500) is for independent retailers, already occupying premises in the Mansfield district, which want to make alterations or repairs to their shop front to enhance its appearance.
Vacant Shops Grant
The Vacant Shops Grant (up to £2,500) is open to independent retailers taking occupation of a vacant retail property in the Mansfield district. Eligible costs include improvements to premises, fixtures and fittings, rental payments, insurance premiums, advertising and marketing costs.
What you can get out of the Mansfield business grant schemes
You can use the grant for start-up costs, including:
- machinery and equipment
- office furniture
- shop fittings
- security equipment
- business stationery
- marketing, for example advertising and web design
The grant can contribute towards expenditure including the following:
• Land and buildings, including refurbishment. • Plant, machinery and equipment costs – the grant will not contribute towards costs associated with leased or rented equipment (vehicles, stock and consumables are excluded).
• Costs relating to research and development work e.g. product development, including production of proto types and research of new marketing opportunities.
• Costs associated with staff training, to improve skill levels, in order to introduce the proposed developments into the business.
• The grant will only contribute towards 12 months of on-going costs, e.g. web hosting, licences etc.