What is the NESTRANS Sustainable Travel Grant Scheme?
The NESTRANS Sustainable Travel Grant Scheme supports the development of Travel Plans and travel awareness across the North East. Organisations can apply for up to £10,000 in matched funding to support sustainable transport initiatives. Any organisation based in Aberdeen or Aberdeenshire can apply for funding towards measures aimed at supporting the development of more integrated and more sustainable transport such as improved pedestrian access, secure cycle parking or even a shuttle bus.

The scheme has been running since 2004 and has supported a number of organisations across the area. Whether for increasing travel to work by public transport, supporting cycling and walking or investigating the use of low emission vehicles, the STGS could provide a grant to assist in funding such plans.
Organisations who apply, having successfully demonstrated the benefits such a scheme would have on their business, could receive a grant of between £500 and £10,000 (normally up to a maximum of 50% of any proposal). This can be used to help fund, for example; secure cycle parking and shower/changing facilities, improvements to pedestrian access or even employee training in travel planning.
Who can apply:
Any organisation based in Aberdeen or Aberdeenshire can apply. Applications can be made on behalf of:
- any business or other organisation, including charities, not for profit and public sector agencies
- a specific workplace or section within such a business or other organisation
- commercial or public service premises (not a private residence) currently attracting visitors or customers by car.