What is the PHS 2022-2 Omnibus Solicitation of Small Business Innovation Research Grant?
The PHS 2022-2 Omnibus Solicitation of Small Business Innovation Research Grant is intended to support small business innovation research across a broad spectrum of topic areas. U.S. small businesses that have the research capabilities and technological expertise to contribute to the research and development missions of the awarding components identified in the Omnibus Solicitation are encouraged to submit investigator-initiated SBIR & STTR grant applications in response to the identified topics.

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), issued by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), invites eligible United States small businesses to submit Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant applications. Small business concerns that have the research capabilities and technological expertise to contribute to the R&D mission(s) of the NIH and CDC awarding components identified in this FOA are encouraged to submit SBIR grant applications in these areas. SBIR grant applications will also be accepted and considered in any area within the mission of the Components of Participating Organizations listed for this FOA. In addition to the general SBIR solicitations, some awarding components have additional, specific NIH Targeted Funding Opportunities of potential interest to small businesses.
Why Apply?
- Funding is stable, predictable and not a loan
- Capital is non-dilutive
- Small businesses and research organizations retain intellectual property rights
- NIH’s rigorous peer-review provides recognition, validation and visibility to early-stage companies
- Prestige associated with these awards can help attract more funding or other support (e.g., venture capital, strategic partners)