What is the Small Business Readiness for Resiliency Program?
The Small Business Readiness for Resiliency Program is a program offering free coaching and guidance to small businesses as they navigate their next steps to survive and thrive in the current economic crisis. Experienced management consultants and business owners will volunteer their time with you, to listen, strategize, and develop ideas, offer feedback, and help identify business opportunities.

Funding for the SBRP is made available by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and are administered by the Cumberland County Community Development Department. The goal is to provide financial assistance to small for-profit businesses with up to ten (10) employees (including the owner) at the time of application with up to $10,000 in grant funding.
How the program works:
- For small businesses to be eligible for the program they are required to complete the program’s preparedness checklist to be added to the database and considered for a grant. Businesses must complete the checklist before being impacted by a disaster.
- After June 1, 2022, in new Federal disasters where FEMA activates the Individual and Household Assistance Program, the U.S. Chamber Foundation will select businesses from the database to receive financial assistance who meet the requirements.
- Recipients will be notified through email and funds will be disbursed on a rolling basis. Businesses that are not selected to receive a grant in 2022 will still be eligible for support should another disaster strike in their community over the next three years.