TALE Lite grant

What is the TALE Lite grant programme?

The TALE Lite grant programme funds projects that use data analytics as part of a logistics function. Grants can contribute up to 40% of your total project spend, with your company funding the other 60%. The TALE Lite grant helps eligible SMEs with a logistics function better use their data analytics to become more efficient and productive.

TALE Lite grant BSG

Your project spend can include elements of capital, revenue, software and consultancy costs. For example:

  • Software applications including tracking systems, warehouse management, stock control, security protection tools and market intelligence software.
  • Consultants to advise on, or help implement a data use solution.
  • Equipment for data collection and processing such as computers, iPads, telephony and data capture devices such as sensors.

The TALE Lite Grants are worth £1,000- £10,000 to help you purchase software and initial consultancy advice related to data (for projects costing £2,500-£5,000).

Eligible projects may include the following:

• Software projects to make your despatch and logistics systems more efficient.
• Implementing ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software, WMS (Warehouse Management Systems) & more
• Implementing new vehicle routing systems.
• The design, build and launch of web-based customer information portals linked to your existing systems.
• Software systems or CRM systems that will help you use data to gain much stronger business intelligence.
• Consultancy costs to help with selecting the correct software.
• Small items (under £1,000) to support your projects – printers, tablets, mobile phones, vehicle trackers.

Note for Applicants:

All applicants are supported by a team of facilitators who will guide them through the application process.  A TALE Lite grant could be approved in as little as a fortnight. Some eligible businesses may also benefit from free 1:1 expert mentoring or online group coaching (worth £1,200), which will be continuing until Summer 2021.