What is the ALPHAS project?
The idea with the ALPHAS project is to create a conduit for Knowledge Exchange between Universities and SMEs in order to solve business problems, creating capacity within the business for further employment and supporting the regional aim to retain graduate talent within the local area.
Since its inception in 2007, the Alpha Programme has distributed over £5 million of Landfill Communities Fund funding to over 140 fantastic community and biodiversity projects, helping communities bring their plans for positive change to reality. Grants of up to £50,000 are available to fund projects making a positive impact at ground level, either developing facilities for community use or encouraging bio-diversity and environmental improvements.

Who it’s for
- Businesses looking to grow
- Limited company, charity or CIC with 5 – 250 employees
- Businesses registered in the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) area
What you can get
- Grants of 30% towards the cost of capital equipment or expertise
- Fully funded workshop programme on leadership & management, digital tech, staffing for the future or financing your growth
- Academic expertise from the University of Bedfordshire and the University of Northampton
- 60% of salary costs towards hiring a graduate for 3-6 months, including free academic consultancy
The grant is a capital or revenue grant to assist SMEs implementing their Workshop Plan, to be used to develop new goods and services for market which will make the business more viable, resilient and support growth of turnover and employment. It should enable the business to become more competitive in the national and international economy.