What is the Trinity Technology & Enterprise Campus?
The government looks set to grant €150m towards a new €1.1bn ‘innovation district’ attached to Trinity Technology & Enterprise Campus. The new district, which will be located close to Facebook, Google and other high-growth tech multinational firms, aims to replicate the business-friendly campuses of California, London and Paris by co-locating research facilities, startups and international companies in close proximity. The Trinity curriculum is not just about imparting knowledge; it’s aimed at developing the critical faculties of the mind through freedom of expression, willingness to engage in debate and original research. Solid academic and pastoral support is provided to the students in the University.

The new district, which will be located close to Facebook, Google and other high-growth tech multinational firms, aims to replicate the business-friendly campuses of California, London and Paris by co-locating research facilities, startups and international companies in close proximity. The Trinity curriculum is not just about imparting knowledge; it’s aimed at developing the critical faculties of the mind through freedom of expression, willingness to engage in debate and original research. Solid academic and pastoral support is provided to the students in the University.
The remainder of the €1.1bn in cash needed to develop the five-acre site at the Grand Canal end of Pearse Street will come from a mixture of industry, philanthropy and borrowing on the college’s part. Last year, TCD embarked on a long term €400m fundraising plan, the largest Irish philanthropy drive on record.
Trinity’s new campus will help support Ireland’s indigenous start-ups, drive inward research and industry funding and will help to ensure that Ireland stays ahead of technological advances from AI to robotics.
Benefits of the 2+2 Program
- A secured globally recognized undergraduate engineering degree by Trinity
- Substantially lower fees for the 3rd and 4th year program than direct international program admittees
- Project-led teaching pedagogy with greater reliance on experiential, research inspired and outcome based learning
- Personal tutor assigned to every student to provide academic advice and support throughout his or her time in Trinity
- Direct admission to Postgraduate Program (subject to meeting the academic requirement)
- Work while studying as part-time applicable to non-EU students lasting for at least one academic year, up to a maximum of 20 hours per week during term time and up to 40 hours per week during term breaks