BG Effect Business Fund

What is the BG Effect Business Fund? The BG Effect business fund has been set up to help Blaenau Gwent business start-ups with potential growth aspirations. This will include providing advice and expert support to develop a business idea, providing the … Continued

ReferHer programme

What is the ReferHer programme? Through the ReferHer initiative, Vista is inviting women-owned small businesses to apply to be part of an exclusive networking dinner that kicks off “ReferHer” and also nominate a fellow female small business owner from their community to … Continued

Invest to Grow Derbyshire

What is the Invest to Grow Derbyshire? The University of Derby’s Invest to Grow programme provides grants and loans of between £15,000 and £250,000 to support private-sector businesses across the East Midlands to innovate, grow and create jobs. The programme is … Continued