Help to Grow Digital

The Help to Grow Digital support and discounts to help small and medium-sized UK businesses find, buy and adopt digital technologies to improve productivity by providing all businesses with free and impartial information and support to help them adopt new … Continued

CRACK IT Challenges

The Crack it Challenges are competitions that funds collaborations between industry, academics and SMEs to solve business and scientific Challenges which will deliver 3Rs benefits, either by improving business processes or developing a commercial product. Depending on the Challenge, contracts … Continued

Do It Award

What is the Do It Award? Do It Awards are cash Awards of up to £5,000 plus practical support to help you turn your ideas into a reality. UnLtd will provide advice, training and mentoring for Award winners to give … Continued

Innovative Medicines Initiative

The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) is a public-private partnership between the European Union and the European pharmaceutical industry. Born of the necessity to foster collaboration between different stakeholders in order to address growing challenges in bringing new medicines to market … Continued

Wrap grant scheme

What is the Wrap Grant Scheme: The Wrap grant scheme (Resource Action Fund) was an £18million fund, provided by Defra to support resource efficiency projects, with the goal of diverting, reducing, and better managing, waste. The Wrap grant scheme supports … Continued

Architectural Heritage Fund

The Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF) Transforming Places through Heritage supports projects that will contribute to the transformation of high streets and town centres in England helping them become thriving places, strengthening local communities and encouraging local economies to prosper. The … Continued

Heritage Enterprise UK

Heritage Enterprise UK supports enterprising community organisations across the UK to rescue neglected historic buildings and sites and unlock their economic potential. You can apply for a grant from £100,000 to £5million. The Heritage Enterprise UK process is for projects … Continued